Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

What a jam packed weekend! We enjoyed an intimate Thanskgiving dinner with Leslie. The meal was amazing and I am proud to say I cooked the entire thing - even had all the dishes ready at the same time. Go Charlet!  We had a long Skype phone call with much of our Utah family. It was awesome to catch up.


Chris took me black Friday shopping on Friday morning (nothing was open Thursday in MA). I was worried it would be super crazy shopping here but it was a much milder experience here than in Utah. We found every deal we went looking for and then some. That's a first. It was a bargain and worth the effort. 

We switched the Prius rental car for a bigger car for the trek to TN to pick up the puppy. Chris, Abby and Renetta braved the 32 plus hour drive. I opted out at the last minute to hang with Leslie and the kids, do a little work (I am busy right now) and decorate the house for Christmas.


Chris, Abby and Renetta finally made it home this morning around 3 am. They were tired and the three puppies were full of energy. Ben was the only kiddo who stayed up to great them. Lucy was unsure and barked, which scared the puppies. After a bit all seemed to adjust. Nic woke up this morning beyond excited to meet Scout and see the puppies. The 3 dogs quickly overwhelmed him. He has never been around a rambunctious dog before. Lucy is so mellow. After a short time he became more comfortable and has not left Scout alone since. Fast friends.

We have much to be Thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!
